Friday, January 29, 2016

Welcome to our adventure!

Welcome to the blog for Professor Jamy Gearhart's 8:00 am English 101 class at North Carolina A&T.  This class is filled with students of uncanny intestinal fortitude. They forsake sleeping in on cold and frosty mornings and slog their way to class while the sun still struggles to gain a foothold in the sky.

Instead of keeping a journal this year, my students and I will embark on a blogging journey where we will polish our writing skills, improve our technique, and explore how we can use writing to benefit ourselves while in school and into the future.

Writing Prompt:

Introduce yourself and tell me about something that makes you laugh every time you think about it, see it, or hear it.  You can create a new blog entry to respond or reply directly to this blog post.

For me, there are a lot of things that make me laugh every single time: movies, commercials, pictures, even that stupid guy, Markiplier, who my son and his friends are into, he can make me laugh. There are, however, some things I like to take out when I'm having a bad day because I know that no matter how rotten my day is going, they will pull a laugh out of me.  This dreadful Walmart commercial is one particular favorite. I laugh until the tears squeeze out of my eyes every time I watch it.