Friday, January 29, 2016

Welcome to our adventure!

Welcome to the blog for Professor Jamy Gearhart's 8:00 am English 101 class at North Carolina A&T.  This class is filled with students of uncanny intestinal fortitude. They forsake sleeping in on cold and frosty mornings and slog their way to class while the sun still struggles to gain a foothold in the sky.

Instead of keeping a journal this year, my students and I will embark on a blogging journey where we will polish our writing skills, improve our technique, and explore how we can use writing to benefit ourselves while in school and into the future.

Writing Prompt:

Introduce yourself and tell me about something that makes you laugh every time you think about it, see it, or hear it.  You can create a new blog entry to respond or reply directly to this blog post.

For me, there are a lot of things that make me laugh every single time: movies, commercials, pictures, even that stupid guy, Markiplier, who my son and his friends are into, he can make me laugh. There are, however, some things I like to take out when I'm having a bad day because I know that no matter how rotten my day is going, they will pull a laugh out of me.  This dreadful Walmart commercial is one particular favorite. I laugh until the tears squeeze out of my eyes every time I watch it.


  1. I guess humor, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder. I didn't laugh, I just felt bad for the dude who had that unicorn shoved up into his foot.

    I, think, i, need, more, commas,


    1. That's true. Humor is different for everyone. What is something that *does* make you laugh?

  2. There are a lot of things that make me laugh because I am a goofy person but one thing in particular is my best friend John.He is the funniest person I ever met and everything he says or does is funny.Even his laugh is funny.We have this weird connection where we can relate to everything and make fun of it.I dont have this connection with anyone else because its hard to find someone that understands my weird sense of humor. Sometimes people look at us like we are crazy because no one understands us but us.

    1. Having a good friend who can make you laugh is worth its weight in gold.

    2. I have a friend that I can connect to on this level. Sometimes we don't even have to say a word but our eyes do the talking.

  3. Im Jonathan and Iv lived in Georgia, South Carolina, Ohio and now North Carolina. Someone that makes me laugh everytime i think about them is my daughter. She is a month old and i find her funny because she reminds me so much of myself by the way she looks and reacts to things. She cant speak yet but her eyes tell me everything and just the faces i make are the same exact ones she mimics. Its so funny to actually see yourself from a different perspective.

    1. Just wait until the first time you say something to her like what your mom used to say to you. Then it will come full circle. :)

    2. Awww.. So adorable. I love babies. Keep being a great father. When she starts walking, you will be in for a treat.

  4. I am Da'Quan Holloway. I was born in Durham North Carolina, but raised in Roxboro North Carolina. There are many things that make me laugh. I do not have something that makes me laugh every time though; however, I do laugh a lot when it comes to humor and comedy.

    1. Laughter is a good thing. They say if you laugh a lot, it can increase your lifespan. :)

    2. That's the same thing I said. Laughing is healthy for your heart.

  5. My name is Tinaeya Culbreth, I am a freshman and I am from Washington, DC. One thing that I can never forget and will always make laugh is whoopy cushions. I have always loved playing pranks on people and making fake fart noises to embarrass them.

    1. Those things are fun! You know...I think we may still have one here at the house. We like to put ours under the sofa cushion because my dog is scared of them and it scares her off the sofa!

    2. Haha!!! I can remember doing things like this in middle school. Even now, some people still don't know that I pranked them.

  6. My name is Alexis Autry, I am a freshman with an accounting major and I am from Elizabethtown, North Carolina. I love to laugh because laughing is health for you. Something that makes me laugh a lot is my niece Ava, because she is learning to talk. She sings this one song called "Drop" but she be making her own little beat to it. So cute!

    1. Kids can be so funny. Did you know that setting a few minutes aside each day to look at videos of babies and baby animals actually promotes good health too?

    2. I know that's cute and funny.

  7. My name is Denesia-Janay Barton, I am a freshman criminal justice major. I am originally from Georgia, but moved to Greensboro about five to six years ago. Something that makes me laugh would have to be being around babies and watching their reactions to new things. Seeing how their little faces light up and smile makes me laugh.

    1. This is exactly how I feel about my 6 month old nephew, he's the funniest baby I've ever met.

  8. My name is Jocelyn Wade, I'm a freshman from Madison, NC - Music Ed. Major. I'm the type of person that will literally laugh at anything however, I can't hold my laughter when it comes to anything involving Kevin Hart. He has to be one of the funniest people to me, all of his movies and stand ups are hilarious and I could watch him all day.

    1. I am the same way when I watch him. Kevin Hart is just hilarious.

    2. Yes, Kevin Hart is awesome. I'm like you, if it is funny I am going to laugh so please don't be offended.

  9. My name is Kayla Joseph. I am a freshman International Studies student from Atlanta, Georgia. I love stories and some of my best laughs come from hearing about other people's experiences. So whenever I'm feeling down I listen to friends tell me about their day.

  10. My name is Kayla Joseph. I am an international Studies student from Atlanta, Georgia. Something that brings me the greatest laughs is when I'm around friends and I get to hear their stories. I love hearing about other peoples day so whenever I'm in a bad mood I just listen to what my friends have to say.

  11. Hello my name is Denarius Woods from Cincinnati, Oh. Most of the time I laugh at almost everything. However, what always puts a smile on my face going through old photos of friends back home and just thinking of that moment of the photo taking place puts me in a good mood or just laugh a little.

  12. Hey my name is D'Jay Im from South Carolina and im a history ed major. Something that makes me laugh everytime I think about it is me and my cousin leaving the house one night. We didn't want to make any noise so we used the window. This dude falls out the window and takes the blinds down with him. It was a funny moment and we also had to buy new blinds which was silly.

  13. Hey my name is Christopher Gillespie, a Freshman Animal Science major straight out of Charlotte, NC. Though humor varies from person to person I'm generally a goofy person all around and can find a lot of things funny really. If I had to pick something randomly I'd say Comedians such as Kevin Hart or Kat Williams can get a good laugh out of me or just talking about a funny subject in general can get one of out me as well.

  14. My name is Leon Hunter Jr. from Raleigh, North Carolina. I am a Criminal Justice major and plan on persuing a career in law enforcement in the near future. I am also a right handed pitcher for the school baseball team. One thing that always makes me laugh is when I think back on this interesting story my teammate told me, about how he was recruited.

  15. My name is Leon Hunter Jr. and I am from Raleigh, North Carolina. I am a criminal justice major and plan to persue a career in law enforcement in the near future. I also am a right handed pitcher on the baseball team for the school. One thing that always puts a smile on my face is when I look back on some of my experiences in life and how I responded to them.

  16. My name is Randy Mills, from Rocky Mount, North Carolina. I am an undeclared freshman but plan on becoming an accounting major next semester. My niece and nephew, who are 4 and 5, always give me a good laugh just because they do funny thing unintentionally. One thing that always make me laugh is watching my nephew run away from my sister.

  17. My name is Nya McNeill and I am from Raleigh, North Carolina. I am a biology student and I plan to either pursue a career in medicine or education. I've always had a weird sense of humor. I love science puns, anti-jokes and unexpected humor. A lot of people don't understand how I don't find stand-up comedy funny, but I'll be doubled over with laughter after hearing a good pun.

  18. Hello im Adrian Hairston and I'm from Greensboro,Nc. I am an elementary education student. I plan on pursuing a career in education.Something that makes me laugh is seeing other people laugh. I'm a goofy person and when I make others laugh it makes me laugh also.
