Sunday, May 1, 2016

Gay Marriage.

As we all know, the Supreme Court legalized gay “marriage” across the country. I honestly don’t know if I support it or not. I am a Christian and I know that in the bible it says that being gay is wrong. But many people argue that people are born gay, and if that is true then how could it be wrong? I do believe that God intended marriage sacred only for man and woman, thus same-sex marriage goes against the laws of nature. I also believe that a union between a couple is also to reproduce, and with the same genders you can’t do that. Since they can’t have kids some would adopt children, and this is not fair to the child. A child has the right to have two gender opinions for a healthy upbringing. Adopted children need both love of a mother and a father, not a mother and a mother or a father and a father. I do feel like children should have these rights. People try to compare gay rights to civil rights and women’s\’s rights but that is nowhere near the same thing. You cannot change the fact that you were born an African American. Every male and female was born with innate ability to reproduce with the opposite sex. This is supported in the bible and by science.
Everyone has an opinion; living in the U.S where we have ‘freedom of speech’ it is important not to forget that. I don’t think that it is okay to bash people’s opinions, but to respect them instead. I know people that are gay and they are just the same as everyone else. Also, how would you tell if someone was gay? I mean, what if there was some twins and one of them was gay and the other wasn’t? How would you tell? You don’t, because they deserve the same rights as everyone else. I accept people no matter what they are, gay, lesbian, or transgender. People commit suicide over this because radicals tease and bully them. Is that right? No its not.
Happiness is all that matters. I don’t think it is fair to tell someone who they can and cant love. If you love someone of the same sex and that person makes you happy then you should be able to marry them without it being wrong. Even if you are gay you still have rights. People don’t support gay marriage and think they should not get married but they have the right to marry any one they want. Even a killer has rights.

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