Sunday, May 1, 2016


I don’t know if everyone knows or not but I am a hairstylist and I specialize in faux locs. Faux locs are temporary loc extensions. I know a lot of you have thought about getting dreads but you’re scared of the commitment. Faux locs are a way to achieve the look without actually locking your hair. Faux locs are a good protective hair style as well.
You can create fauxlocs with marley hair or yarn. Me personally I don’t like the way they look with yarn so I don’t do them with yarn. I just cant see myself doing someone’s hair with yarn. I just can’t get into it. But there are a lot of pro’s for yarn locs. They are very inexpensive. Depending on how thick your hair is, alongside with how short or how long you want your hair- the cost of buying the yarn should not cost you more than $10-$20. The yarn also comes in a variety of colors. You can also wash your yarn locs and they will become softer.
The cons of yarn locs are they can cause serious breakage if you do not moisturize your hair. Your hair is covered by a thick covering of wool- don’t neglect it just because it’s a “protective hair style”. The yarn locs can start to smell like mildew if they are not properly taken care of. When you wash the yarn locs they take forever and a day to dry. The yarn locs are also time consuming. You have to measure out the yarn, and measuring out the right length of yarn can have your hands hurting all the time. They can easily collect lent, and anything that can cling on to your hair.

Some pros of the marley locs are the hair already comes pre stranded so you don’t have to worry about cutting or measuring out the yarn to achieve this style. The hairstyle can last from weeks to months. You have to be careful not to leave it too long because it will lock with your real hair, unless that is the look you are going for.
Its also great for those wanting to actually grow out locs but don’t want to go through the awkward phase. It is also gentler on the hair.

Some cons are this hairstyle is way pricier than using yarn to wrap your hair. Wit the method that I use you’re going to spend around  $60-$85 on the marley hair. This hairstyle is easy to collect lint, and anything that can cling on to your hair. The hair tends to snag onto everything. They can also cause breakage if you don’t properly take care of them. These are harsher on the hair than the yarn.

A lot of people ask are these locs heavy. I’m honestly not sure which form is the heaviest on the head. I think it all depends on how big or small your locs are as well as how many strands per hair you used which achieving the style.

Gay Marriage.

As we all know, the Supreme Court legalized gay “marriage” across the country. I honestly don’t know if I support it or not. I am a Christian and I know that in the bible it says that being gay is wrong. But many people argue that people are born gay, and if that is true then how could it be wrong? I do believe that God intended marriage sacred only for man and woman, thus same-sex marriage goes against the laws of nature. I also believe that a union between a couple is also to reproduce, and with the same genders you can’t do that. Since they can’t have kids some would adopt children, and this is not fair to the child. A child has the right to have two gender opinions for a healthy upbringing. Adopted children need both love of a mother and a father, not a mother and a mother or a father and a father. I do feel like children should have these rights. People try to compare gay rights to civil rights and women’s\’s rights but that is nowhere near the same thing. You cannot change the fact that you were born an African American. Every male and female was born with innate ability to reproduce with the opposite sex. This is supported in the bible and by science.
Everyone has an opinion; living in the U.S where we have ‘freedom of speech’ it is important not to forget that. I don’t think that it is okay to bash people’s opinions, but to respect them instead. I know people that are gay and they are just the same as everyone else. Also, how would you tell if someone was gay? I mean, what if there was some twins and one of them was gay and the other wasn’t? How would you tell? You don’t, because they deserve the same rights as everyone else. I accept people no matter what they are, gay, lesbian, or transgender. People commit suicide over this because radicals tease and bully them. Is that right? No its not.
Happiness is all that matters. I don’t think it is fair to tell someone who they can and cant love. If you love someone of the same sex and that person makes you happy then you should be able to marry them without it being wrong. Even if you are gay you still have rights. People don’t support gay marriage and think they should not get married but they have the right to marry any one they want. Even a killer has rights.

Saturday, April 30, 2016


Being discipline can get you a long ways in life with just about anything. One example can be with using sports. I have been a part of a lot of good athletic programs in my life. But it turns out that the team I was a part of with the least amount of talent had more success throughout the season because we were more discipline. Another example could be something as simple as being discipline enough to wake up out of bed to show up to your destination on time. Therefore, being discipline can be used as a slight edge over and opponent, co-worker for a position, and etc. How do you feel about this, do you think being discipline can help you succeed in life?

When Hunger Strikes

Man, I could really go for some Krispy Kreme donuts right now. They are too good, especially when they are fresh. I could wolf down a dozen of them. I can imagine stepping into the donut shop and staring at the yeast rings as they go down the conveyor belt. They would pass under the waterfall of glaze, gleaming as they filled the box of twelve I had just purchased. After having acquired my fresh box of donuts, I would drive over to the nearest Mickey D’s and pick myself up a double cheese. Hold onto your chairs because I am about to go into uncharted territory here with a prepossessing combination of donut and double cheese. As I sit in my parked car, I come up with an ingenious idea: “What if I use the donuts as buns for my double cheese?” I ponder this quandary as I open the box of donuts. If donut and double cheese were to become one, then what would happen? Would there be an explosion of happiness or would there be diabetes ahead? I throw caution to the wind and proceed to create my masterpiece. I rip the buns off of the double cheese and slap the donuts where the buns previously lived. Then, as if I had just won a game show, confetti popped out of my creation. Bob Barker suddenly appeared in the passenger seat and told me to make sure I spayed and neutered my pets. I stare blankly at the famous dude sitting beside me. Have I unknowingly found the secret to becoming the winner of a game show? Do I even have pets? Did the donut/double cheese combo create a hallucinogen when combined? The world may never know because like this class, this blog post is coming to an end. I’m definitely going to create my donut/burger combo in the near future.

Does social media distract you?

Social media sites play a big part in most teenagers lifestyle, and some adults too. I believe that social media sites cause majority of students to become distracted from their school work, which in return causes them to not do as well as they could've if they were more focused. I can attest to this statement because I have constantly found myself scrolling through Twitter or tapping through Snapchat stories while in the middle of an assignment. I also feel that a person should have more self control of their actions, such as choosing social media over paying attention to their assignments. Do you find yourself easily distracted by social media at the wrong times?

The New Jim Crow

I recently completed the reading of a novel titled as The New Jim Crow. This piece of literature by Michelle Alexander is about how the nation’s government is set to target African American males and keep them in somewhat of a cycle. The book has a part where the author talks to a guy named Jarvious Cotton and how he is the third generation that has been affected by the biased judicial system and how it kept him and his forefathers from doing certain things. Another key point that the book touched on was that the fact that black men are targeted more by the police, considering the statistics given throughout the book. The police use certain tactics such as the "stop and frisk" method to harass. This tactic is used by the police to stop, question, and search anyone who they believe are acting in a suspicious manner even if that person hasn't done anything lawfully wrong. One of the main quotes that stuck out to me from the book is " exactly does a formally colorblind criminal justice system achieve such racially discriminatory results?" Do you believe that the judicial system is biased towards African American males?


There are hundreds of phobias that exist today. Phobias can range from the smallest thing such as amathophobia, the fear of dust, to something such as chiraptophobia, which is the fear of being touched. Most phobias posses little to no danger and are merely a unreasonable fear of an object which causes a person to have anxiety and potentially avoiding the object that they have a fear of. One might ask how a person can become afraid of something that possesses little to no danger at all. I believe that having a phobia toward something is somewhat like a psychological thing because they can affect your social life and how you may perform or react in a certain situation or area. Phobias can stem from past incidents that may have occurred during childhood, teenage, or even into the adult years. Not all phobias affect people the same even if they were to have the same exact phobia as someone else. There are treatment options for people with phobias and there is a possibility of overcoming a phobia but it may take longer for some than others depending on how deep their phobia is.