Saturday, April 30, 2016

The New Jim Crow

I recently completed the reading of a novel titled as The New Jim Crow. This piece of literature by Michelle Alexander is about how the nation’s government is set to target African American males and keep them in somewhat of a cycle. The book has a part where the author talks to a guy named Jarvious Cotton and how he is the third generation that has been affected by the biased judicial system and how it kept him and his forefathers from doing certain things. Another key point that the book touched on was that the fact that black men are targeted more by the police, considering the statistics given throughout the book. The police use certain tactics such as the "stop and frisk" method to harass. This tactic is used by the police to stop, question, and search anyone who they believe are acting in a suspicious manner even if that person hasn't done anything lawfully wrong. One of the main quotes that stuck out to me from the book is " exactly does a formally colorblind criminal justice system achieve such racially discriminatory results?" Do you believe that the judicial system is biased towards African American males?

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