Monday, March 21, 2016

High School into College

I have finally come to a realization that my high school did not prepare me for college. My teachers in high school always told me, "I am preparing you for college." I am sorry to say, but none of my teachers told me college would be like this. Every time I turn around I have some form of test, quiz, or both. This starts to become frustrating when you cannot honestly prepare for your quiz or test like you really need or want because you have so much work to get done in your other classes. Then you will walk into class and the professor starts off by saying, "Clear your desk." When is there ever any time to study especially if you have a job or playing sports? The semester is much shorter than expected. When the semester starts, if you blink it is over. Sometimes it is difficult to remember and learn everything with six different classes in one semester. Now I understand why the professor always say, "Study when you can." this makes much more sense to me now. I still love college though. I am not complaining about it, but my teachers did not prepare me as well I thought they were doing. Also, everyone have different studying methods. I always thought mine would be with the music blasting, television on, and texting. I had to realize I need to be in a relax type of environment. I can focus in any kind of environment, but the best would be with music at a decent level with the lights on. What is your type of environment? What helps you study and actually grab the assignment so you can remember what the professor is saying. Did your college really prepare you for college? Are you able to actually sit down and study what you need to know or try to cram everything in at once?


  1. Hello! I have to study in a quiet area. I have to cut the T.V. off as well as my cell phone because if I have distractions, I won't get anything done. Instead of me going home and doing my work, its best for me to go to the library here at school.

    1. My biggest distraction is my phone and I have to put it under my pillows just so I won't hear it vibrate and I won't be eager to see who it is.

  2. I feel the same way.My high school didnt prepare me for college and on some aspects it did.I did have alot of work in high school but not as much as college.The grading scale is harder and its harder to get leeway with some teachers even in a understandable situation.We were so use to a solid structure in high school coming to college was so much different,There was no suspension, going to ISS having them call your parents. If you didnt come to class cool. You just had a zero in your book the teacher wasnt tripping at all.College is so loose and free that you can do what you want but thats if you dont care about your grades but if you are trying to get good grades you have to buckle down.Im in the same boat somewhat. I have a job , almost 6 classes a day and almost zero time to study because I am always sleep because work tires me out.I dont know how I do it but I manage.When I ever do want to study I have to be in a quiet place. Not too long ago I used to be able to study with music but as the amount of material that I had to study increased I wanted total concentration.I get distracted easily too so i need to stay fully focused.

    1. I agree with you in college you have freedom to miss class, but when you do and you go the next class time it's like you missed so much work. Missing one day in college is like missing a week of work.

  3. I am in the same boat as you. because, in high school my teachers never prepared me to write essays or how to really study. It wasn't until now in the second semester of college that I'm learning a new studying tactic.

  4. My high school did prepare me for college. I was actually surprised at how easy some of my classes were compared to my high school classes. But, when it comes down to studying I have always been a crammer. So I can say I am still learning how to do better when it it comes to studying. Therefore, studying would be the only thing I can say my high school did not prepare me well for.

  5. The teachers that prepared me for college were my 11th and 12th grade English teachers. At the time I didn't understand why we had so many essays and research papers back to back, but since I have been in college I appreciate it because I have tow or three papers due sometimes every week. They really prepared me when it came to writing papers because now it's like second-nature to me.

  6. I tend to get more work done when I'm on campus, since there are a lot more distractions at home.

  7. I agree with this so much it's ridiculous! There were a few of my teachers in high school that taught things that weren't really relevant for the path my life was going. There was never a big issue with studying or turning in homework, during high school but now certain assignments can have a huge impact on your overall grade. Coming from not having to study to ace tests in high school to having to stay up all night hoping my professor will forget about the quiz he scheduled for the next day. It's such a difference and I think there should be more concentration placed on getting us ready for college as well as the work place.

  8. I did not go to college after high school, but I gave my oldest son a method to help him when he did. Because he worked part-time as well. I told him Monday through Thursday study, work and school. If he needed tutoring get during those days. Then Friday Saturday and Sunday was his time. It really helped him.
