Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What things have you gained from your college experience thus far?

As I take a look back over my college experience thus far, I realized that I'm not the same person that I was in high school. College has taught me to be my own cheerleader and to stay motivated through thick and thin. I’ve gained a sense of who I am since I've been away from home and how to differentiate my strengths from my weaknesses. I've learnt how to adapt to new environments and lifestyles and become more open minded to different people and their beliefs. Being in college is teaching me how to change my studying habits as well, because last fall semester I was a crammer, who didn’t take the time to study or review notes. But, this semester I’m finding new ways to study. When I start to study I take breaks, and let the information settle into my brain, and then after a few minutes I continue studying more notes while also incorporating the previous one also. And finally, college is teaching me how to get out of my comfort zone and experience new opportunities.


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  2. I definitely feel as if I have changed. In high school I did not worry about studying or even doing that much work, because I knew I would end the class with a good grade. in college not so much. I have had to motivate myself to do my work, because I have had too many close calls with failing a class, which is new to me. I have had to learn when to spend time with friends and when to write an essay. It's been hard, but I'm learning.

  3. I have definitely changed since being college. I'm accustomed to all the hard work from my experience in highschool. However, the aspect of everything depending on me to get things done is what has change me. Usually i rely on my parents to handle difficult situations for me in the past. Despite that, now I have to meet certain deadlines to make sure things get done and so I can be successful. So basically this year has taught me it really is on me to be the best person I can be.

  4. I did not really experience a big change as to work load, but when it came to time management I struggled. It's not that I do not know how to manage my time, I did not have as much freedom in high school as I do here in college. I can say that now being a second semester freshman that I have been improving with managing my newly found freedom.

  5. I've noticed that just by doing the homework and assignments, that I've learned so much new information. Being required to research and learn about different things that apply to so many adults has made me such a better conversationalist. I am able to expound upon so many topics that I once had no clue about. It brings me great pleasure to be able to engage in conversations among crowds I once felt very left out of.

  6. I don't feel as if I had a major change since I've been in college. I have bettered myself as far as time management skills and multitasking. Before college I used to always try to cram and study the night before a big test but I found out that that doesn't always work in college.
