Thursday, March 31, 2016

Movie series

     With the new movie Batman vs Superman continuing the marvel series of movies, an interesting question is what one of the best movie series created? Most movie series are based off books in which fans love. However if the movie doesn't follow what the book had plan then, there are problems which the fans have. In most cases a series of movies tend to run off the book to either cut time or just because the director didn't think that scene from the book was important. With that being said its difficult for people to have a series of movies which they enjoy because it happens so often that the director doesn't add a scene which you personally wanted. Also sometimes for the director if the first movie was good , it's difficult to keep that same success for the next movie. Personally my favorite movie series is Star Wars because it keep the important scenes from the book in the movie. It doesn't follow the book entirely however; it does a good job with trying to follow the story. Also while making the movie the people involve take their time and do not rush the process, allowing the movie to be great. Despite this what is your favorite movie series?


  1. Personally, I LOVE the Dark Knight series. All of his movies have a great twist in them. But I also love the X-Men story line; how two great forces have the same goal but totally different agendas. Spiderman is good too, though I think i prefer the second Spiderman batter. I think his character and personality are more aligned with the character from the comics!

  2. I am a big Marvel and DC Comic Movie fan, however I refuse to read the comics. I refuse to read them, because I already know I will be disappointed by the characters they left out and the story-lines they have jumbled. Now Harry Potter is one of my favorite book series turned movie. I loved the books and I loved the movies, even if it wasn't perfect.

  3. My favorite film series of all time is the Dark Knight series, not only because Batman is the best superhero ever but because of themes involved and how great the acting was. The fact that Batman will never kill no matter how far he is pushed displays how strong-willed he is and how honors his beliefs.
