Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Texting & Driving



Why is it so important that people shouldn’t text and drive? Do you text and drive? How do you feel about texting and driving? Over the past few years, many people have been reported losing their lives because of texting and driving. In fact, most of the deaths are caused by teens and the number is steadily increasing. Is texting and driving that important? No. I was once guilty of this act until I became aware of the dangers that it can cause and have been causing. I have personally had a scarce with texting and driving. I can remember driving down the road one day and hearing my phone buzz. My first reaction was to look down and see who texted me. I glanced the road to see if any cars was around before responding to the text. While attempting to respond to the message, within 5 seconds I had ended up on the other side of the road in a matter of seconds. That day, I realized that texting and driving wasn’t that important and it is dangerous. I never want to be the cause of someone losing their lives or being injured because of my selfish behavior. The process for me to stop texting and driving wasn’t easy. I had to make a concise decision. Now a days, there are different methods and apps that can be used to prevent this. On my phone, I have a mobile app called “Drive Mode”. When I put my phone on drive mode, it instantly send all calls to voicemail and doesn’t allow me to get any text. You don’t have to text and drive!!!


  1. I feel the same way on this issue.Texting and driving is not worth it many people have died over a text and many have been harmed immensely. As technology advances i figure they will have a function where your car can read the text to you and you respond with your voice.They already have it to where you can talk to your phone and it will type for you so why not this? I think it will save lives but back to the matter texting and driving is never safe.Technology has had us blind to the point where we think that it is so important that we do things that can make us lose our lives where its texting and driving or drama on social media.Moral of all this is dont text and drive people :)

  2. I totally agree with you, texting and driving is very dangerous. I hate walking across the road and I see somebody driving while on the phone or texting. Like, they could easily run off the road and crash into an innocent driver.

  3. I totally agree with you, texting and driving is very dangerous. I hate walking across the road and I see somebody driving while on the phone or texting. Like, they could easily run off the road and crash into an innocent driver.

  4. Texting while the vehicle is moving in my opinion is the issue. I personally wait to check my phone after stopped at a red light or stop sign to make sure the message wasn't something important. But while the car is actually moving the driver needs to have enough self discipline to keep their attention on the road and not on the phone.

  5. I completely agree with you texting and driving is not worth loosing your life or taking someone else's just because you had to answer a simple text. Checking your phone while you are driving is never safe and is definitely not a smart decision. I think our generation has gotten so accustomed to having our phones at our fingertips and it is ultimately hurting our generation.

  6. Yes, I have never understood why people still continue to text and drive after all the the messages and commercials about people dying from this. There is really no message that could be that important in which you can risk your life for. Personally I don't know how people text and drive, because for me I can not multi task, so keeping my eyes on the road is just enough for me.

  7. I totally agree that people do not need to text and drive, its not worth it. If your driving then you need to be focused on that because you never know who is behind of the wheel of the car that could possibly end your life. Texting and driving also does the equivalent damage as a driver under the influence, you know that your driving but you do not fully know what your doing because your attention is diverted. Whether its by a phone, alcohol, drugs, its not safe to be behind the wheel with them.

  8. I can't tell you how many times I've honked at people stopped at green lights because they were staring at their phone. It would be nice if people could put their phones away while in a vehicle.

  9. Texting and driving is super dangerous. A text is never as important as we may think it is at the time. I'm a firm believer that it can wait, and no conversation is worth potentially ending someones life, or even your own. At my old high school they would hold many different presentations by the local police department on how dangerous and serious it is. Many of my classmates never took it seriously and probably still text and drive today. It only takes one time for somebody to look down at their phone for seven seconds and collide with another vehicle head-on.

  10. I do not understand why texting and driving consequences are not held at the same punishable status of the law as MURDER!!!. That is one of the most dangerous things that a person can do. When you are driving you need to be able to watch other drivers and react to any situation on the road. You cannot do that if your eyes are glued to your phone.
