Thursday, April 14, 2016

$15 minimum wage

April blog

What do you guys think about the government raising minimum wage to fifteen dollars?  I think it is a terrible idea and it would have more of a negative effect overall that would affect a larger portion of society. Theoretically fifteen dollars an hour as minimum wage sounds great! That is sometimes the starting wage for people with degrees and lots of experience in a field. But fifteen for an entry level job obtainable in highschool? Sounds unreal. That's because it is and I'll tell you why.

If the minimum wage was raised to fifteen dollars and hour inflation will be the only thing we here about on the news. For example let's say McDonald agrees to pay its workers fifteen dollars an hour, how would that affect prices of the food they serve? How will this effect the number of people they employ? Something has to give. They're either going to raise the price of a Mcdouble from $1.29 to $10 dollars. Imagine the average McDonalds that might employ twenty to thirty but if they have to raise minimum that number might drop to eight to twelve. Why would this happen? Corporate greed. You might be able to force these companies to pay more by law but you won't be able to limit how much money they make and want to keep as profit. They would use those methods to combat the new laws along with increasing work load to balance out the higher wage, all so they can make the same profit. Therefore things would cost more and more people would be unemployed. Putting us in a worst position than we are now. What do you guys think about this?


  1. Yes, I agree with you. This will be a terrible idea for minimum wage to raise to $15 dollars. The cost of living is going to rise as well. I do not like the idea of this raise.

  2. I agree with you minimum wage should not be raised to $15 for entry level jobs. People don't think about how this will effect the ones actually going to college and getting degrees.

  3. I guess it depends on where you live. I live in D.C and the minimum wage is currently $10.50. The cost of living in different places contributes to how much minimum wage should be. In areas like North Carolina, of course $15 an hour is an absurd idea. However, I do believe that entry level jobs should earn a reasonable amount instead of slaving for a few dollars every few weeks.

  4. I agree with Tinaeya because an area's minimum wage should depend upon the cost of living for that area. A place with a high cost of living should have a high minimum wage in order to balance out the expenses that one will have by living in that area.

  5. I agree the overall impact would be a "Nightmare On Elm Street." The rise of inflation of overall living would be astronomical, the possibility of crime increasing, not to mention if a person was working at McDonald's with a minimum wage of this amount there work load would be increase. So with that being said, Some things are better left untouched.

  6. I don't know that the minimum wage in NC needs to be as high as $15, but certainly it needs to be raised up to at least $10. Historically, NC raises the minimum wage every 2-3 years, and we haven't had a minimum wage increase in about 7 years, so we are overdue anyway.
