Saturday, April 2, 2016


Am I the only one who thinks that music was the greatest thing ever invented? I don’t really like saying invented though, because music has always been around us even in the very beginning.  From the birds singing in the trees to the wind rustling leaves on the ground.  I didn’t realize how important music was to my life until I came to college.  I honestly use music to get through everything that happens to me.  The first thing I do when I wake up is turn on my music. I go to sleep listening to music. I walk to class listening to music. It is a very big part of my life.  When I’m sad I listen to slow vocals, when I’m happy I turn on something upbeat.  When I do homework I put on classical – oh how that soothes my soul.  I absolutely love discovering new artist that move me and when I say move I don’t mean physically. I mean when they can make me cry or raise my spirits.  I try to be open about every genre, but my favorite type will always be R&B or really anything I can sing along with.  I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t even like watching Netflix when I’m bored anymore. I prefer to just sit and listen to whatever is playing.  Actually music got me back into reading.  I love curling up with a good book and even better background music. I like to think of my life as a movie and every great movie needs an awesome soundtrack. 

Does anyone else listen to music this much? Who do you guys listen to in different situations?


  1. I love music as well. Music gets me through so much. It is my outlet when I'm having a bad day. Without music, I would be loss

  2. Music definitely makes the ride to school a bit less boring. I guess I don't appreciate music as much as you do.

  3. Music is an escape key. Music make a lot of things flow much better. I appreciate music a lot.

  4. I love music very much. Music gets me through a lot of things,especially when I am typing papers. I listen to music throughout my entire day. I appreciate it a lot.

  5. I love music this much, and music has been my savior at some points. It give me an escape without having to leave. I listen to music all day everyday (except in class of course). It helps soothe my soul and it can always bring me back to equilibrium if i happen to fall off a little bit.

  6. Music is beautiful. It amazing how it can influence you to do different things. Music is some that is a drug to me, because it is something I cannot live without. But music is around us everyday.
