Sunday, April 24, 2016

Is College A Necessity?

There are plethora of individuals that are extremely wealthy who do not have a formal education or dropped out of school and were still successful. Before a person is born it is perceived that they will attend college. Parents already start accounts for their college experience by the time they are in the womb. So is college needed in order to be successful? What is the purpose of college? Answers vary from person to person some say networking others say just to obtain a degree and further ones education. With the internet, one can become an expert on any field of study but will never obtain a degree to verify that. So again, is college a necessity?


  1. This might surprise you for a college professor to say this, but no, college is not a necessity for success. There are some fields that you really do need a college education to do, but there are also fields that can be learned by serving an apprenticeship or getting certified at a community college. A lot of it depends on what you wan to do. The success comes from hard work, tenacity, and smart planning, not just the college degree.

  2. I for one think college is not a necessity. I mean it does help you in the future but its not for everyone. Some greats made it without going to college, people like Rachel Ray, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell,ect. These great folks made wonderful lives for themselves and did not graduate from college.

  3. No, you do not have to go to college to be successful. Look at NBA players, some didnot go to college why some did but they are still successful. Or look at Beyonce, she did not go to college and she is successful from a talent that she was born with.

  4. No college is not necessity, just because school is not for everyone. There is no correct path to the life of success, everyone's path is different. So if college is not for you then are plenty of other options which one could take to get to the same success as one who did go to college.
