Friday, April 1, 2016

Give up or keep pushing? That is the question!

Often times I feel like the world is out to get me. School has really taken a toll on me and I feel like giving up. I look back on everything I have accomplished and what I did to get here and then I'm like, "you can stick it out." My mom always told me "never give up on any thing in life and always finish what you start." The anxiety, the fear of failing, being homesick, being BROKE, it just all overwhelms me. I honestly don't know how I feel about college anymore. I would say I'm stuck in between a rock and a hard place. College seriously has had me reevaluate my whole life in a matter of two seconds lol! Dealing with financial situations, personal problems and other issues can effect you mentally, physically and emotionally. I'm learning to deal with stress and trying to have a positive attitude for the rest of the semester. I know I am not the only one feeling this way. What do you guys do to help yourself to keep pushing? What are some tips that you think would be helpful for me?


  1. Hello! You have to keep pushing. Giving up is not an option. Life isn't always easy but those difficult times is what will make you better. You have too much potential to quit.

  2. i feel like im in the same situation i came here on short notice and was struggling to find financial support...i had to get most of what i need by myself and i wasnt doing so good because i wasnt getting enough sleep due to just have to think of where you want to be and how college will help you get there. some people can make it without college but its some who feel as if they need the really have to evaluate where you want to see yourself in about 5 or 10 years and what you would have to do to get there.

  3. The freshman year is a major hurdle for most students. College IS hard and so is learning how to budget your time and money, but you and Shirley are both smart and I know you can do this. As you get further along in your studies, the subjects don't get easier, but because you'll be taking more classes that are actually related to your major, it won't seem like as much of a chore and will seem more enjoyable, which really helps a lot. I hope you both decide to keep pushing. Summer break is just 3 weeks away, if you can hang on and use that time to recharge your batteries, I bet next year won't be so rough.

  4. This year is our freshman year so it is a little hard on us. But, after this year it will all flow pretty well for us. Plus we have made it too far to give up now. All the stuff we have had to go through just for classes or financial aid will all go down the drain.

  5. Freshman year has been a struggle adapting to a new atmosphere. I have had the same problems dealing with trying to figure out my financial situation, but I will say this experience has been a great one. This is only the beginning and it will continue to get harder, but think about what you will be getting out of it in the end. I would advice you to try to find someone on campus to talk to that you feel you can confide in and someone that you trust. Usually it just takes someone talking to you for you to get that extra push to come out of you.

  6. Let me tell you this Baby Bird. Do it right the first time and you will look back and be thankful. When you get older and try to do what should have been done earlier on in life, it is hard as Heck. I had things in my childhood into my adulthood that prevented me from going to college and things like that. So now at 37yrs old I am trying to catch up. It is no joke, I work full-time third shift, come to school right after work, get home and help my boys with homework, track practice, track meets, etc. I know it is hard, there is no doubt about that, But let me be your example of why you should push through it and make it and not put off like me and play catch up.

  7. Keep pushing young one. I used to see life as a lot of problems that were out of my control and I would shut down. My grandma used to tell me that these things were happening to make me stronger, and at one point I didn't believe her. Now I understand that even though a situation is out my hands, that I could choose to see the little of good that I did have and make the best of it. Even no its still hard not to get down because of the things in my life. To cope I tell myself "This is only temporary and I need to be the change I 'wanna see in my situation."

  8. Keep pushing young one. I used to see life as a lot of problems that were out of my control and I would shut down. My grandma used to tell me that these things were happening to make me stronger, and at one point I didn't believe her. Now I understand that even though a situation is out my hands, that I could choose to see the little of good that I did have and make the best of it. Even no its still hard not to get down because of the things in my life. To cope I tell myself "This is only temporary and I need to be the change I 'wanna see in my situation."
