Tuesday, February 9, 2016

2016 Political Race

It's never a good idea to talk politics unless you want to start a fight, argument, or lose a friend but  most of us are eighteen and are able to vote now. I just wanted to get everyone's thoughts and opinions on this years debates and candidates. Do you guys see anyone that has your attention or interest you? Are you not concerned or care too much about politics or the political race? Are you worried about who will take office? Will you participate in this years election? Personally I love politics. I'm a engineer major but politics interest me because they impact is ALL in one way or another. This is the first election that I'm able to participate in by voting, but I'm not too impressed by this years candidates. I'm neither a democrat nor republican, I'm just for anyone that catches my interest and seem to offer the most for me. The only thing kinda exciting about this years political race is that Hillary is running. The only thing that stands out to me about her is that she is a woman. Other than that their is nothing that really draws me to want to vote for her. Bernie Sanders seems to be a good candidate but his age is one draw back to him. On the other side we have Trump which is will not discuss other than I can in no way relate or see the world and situations the way he does. Rubio and Cruz seem to be very similar too each other which is what makes me not pay too much attention to them. They don't stand out. The president has power but not all the power. So whoever is in office I'm not too worried because all of the branches keep each other balanced and being too radical. 


  1. Welcome to the world of voting. I have felt frustrated for a very long time about the lack of strong candidates and this year is no different. I end up voting for the person I think is the "least awful" or will do the least amount of harm to the country. Obviously, nobody is going to be perfect, but I find this election's crop of candidates to be especially depressing. I also think it's horrifying that Trump has gotten as far as he had. I seriously thought it was a joke at first. Now the man has called another candidate a "pu**y" and added a whole new level of trashiness and vulgarity to an already classless campaign. As a first time voter, that's probably not really what you want to hear, but maybe, after this circus of an election, something will change. We can always hope.

  2. I do not see any candidate that is worth voting for because of the different views that I have. My views are that everyone that is running are not as strong as they could be. The only person that would have a chance getting my vote would be Hilary Clinton because she has the most experience within the White House due to being the First Lady at one point and seeing first hand what needs to be done within the judicial system.

  3. I have personally never voted in the presidential election. Simply because, the popular vote, the group of votes to which you and I and most Americans contribute, has no bearing on the outcome of the presidential election. Once I did my research, I learned that if I really wanted my voice to be heard, that I should vote on the state and local levels. Your senators and house of representative members are the people who have the voting "power" when it comes to the executive branch. I think the goal, whenever this rule was made, was to allow a person you can more closely relate to and someone who understands your needs more closely, can then take that information and using their specialized knowledge of laws and politics, can select the presidential candidate whose values and goals most closely align with yours.

    But do your own research and you'll figure out all that it is to know!

  4. I am not big on politics myself. I think that it is very overrated. It is weird that Hilary is running. I can't imagine a women being the president. We are too emotional.

  5. I am leaning towards one candidate but need more background before I can actually say that they have my vote. Politics are a touchy subject to some and it can for sure, ignite a huge debate. I believe everyone should get out and vote because once upon a time, it was illegal for us to do so.
