Thursday, February 11, 2016

Question of the Day

Today in my Criminology class, the posed question was if you were a police officer and you were put in a situation where you had to make a quick decision and shoot a fleeing suspect instead of running after them would you?  In my opinion I would choose to run after the suspect instead of resulting to automatically shooting the suspect. I don't think that I could be responsible for potentially killing a life much less a human life. If I were put in that situation I would chase after the suspect or find other ways of obtaining that suspect. If you were put in that situation how would you handle it? Would you potentially risk your life so that you can in the end save someone else's life including the suspect?


  1. That's a really good questions, Denesia, and a tough one. I don't even like to kill bugs. I know know about everyone else, but I guess it would really depend on what the person was suspected of doing. If I'd just seen him kill someone (especially if it was a fellow officer) I might be more inclined to shoot him dead if he tried to escape. But then again, if the criminal had just snatched a purse or was leaving a house after a burglary, killing him would be too extreme. It's hard to say though. You usually only get a split second amidst chaos to make that decision; I have no idea what I'd do.

  2. The question is a tough one. I honestly feel I would end up shooting the criminal. I would not chase after the suspect. But, I will shoot the suspect especially after he or she have just killed someone. I would not aim to kill the criminal. I would only aim to kill the criminal if someone else life was in danger.

  3. This is a good question. If I was a police officer in a situation like that, I would just run after the suspect rather than shoot them because it's not worth taking someones life. But, then it also depends on the situation. Like if the suspect had a weapon on them and they try to kill me, then yes I would have to shoot them first before they harm me.

  4. Great question. I will much rather run after the suspect rather than taking someone's life. It's not in me. I don't even like hitting dogs, cats, possums etc.

  5. When you become a officer of the law you take an oath to serve and to protect. The police force are suppose to be peace keepers and not a local army that shoots first and acts questions later. Yes the streets can be dangerous but it is not like in the middle east where you are fighting an army. You are simply suppose to prevent, stop crime. Justice is not being served when a suspect is being judged before his or her court date by a one man or woman jury, an officer.

  6. When you become a officer of the law you take an oath to serve and to protect. The police force are suppose to be peace keepers and not a local army that shoots first and acts questions later. Yes the streets can be dangerous but it is not like in the middle east where you are fighting an army. You are simply suppose to prevent, stop crime. Justice is not being served when a suspect is being judged before his or her court date by a one man or woman jury, an officer.

  7. I actually intend on becoming a law enforcement officer one day and I think it honestly depends on the situation. If the suspect is fleeing with a weapon and could potentially harm an innocent citizen, then you would have to do what is in your job description. But, personally I think I would chase after the suspect before even thinking about reaching for a lethal.

  8. Even if I was a police officer I would not have the intent to kill someone if they flee.Depending if they are a highly wanted criminal or not depends on that.Being police officer is not always about killing suspects because you can.I wouldnt want to kill just because I could.If they flee they flee.They will get caught eventually but its not worth a life.Lets just say someone stole some candy and runs away from the cops.Its not ok to shoot just because they ran. I dont find that ok.

  9. It would depend on the situation. If the person that I was chasing was a known violent person and has the potential to have a weapon on them I would be hesitate to chase them. I would probably shoot to cause a slight injury and slow them down. But in an ordinary situation I am chasing them like Sonic The Hedgehog with the red boots on.
