Sunday, February 21, 2016

Respect or trust?

I attended a conference meeting Friday, and the speaker was demonstrating how you can respect a person even though you do not trust them and vice versa. He displayed his theory by asking a female student to sit in a chair, then to stand up and fall back into his arms. As she began to fall into his arms, she seemed a little nervous. After that, he asked her “How can you trust the chair before you trust me, even though I am the human being?” He then proceeded to present another example. He said “If someone told you they were going to kill you; would you respect them or trust them?” A lot student said they would trust them but not respect them. One student was not having it. He felt as though respect and trust are the same, and if you respect someone then you also have to trust them, because when you trust someone you also respect them. So the question is, can you respect someone without trusting them? And, do you think that trust and respect are the same?


  1. I don't think they are the same, but I think they are linked. I can't speak for others, but for me, respect is earned and one of the foundations of respect is to be trustworthy. Which is not to say that I distrust or don't respect everyone who hasn't earned it, I just am kind of neutral until I see what kind of person I am dealing with. I haven't met anyone yet who I couldn't trust and also respected.

  2. I feel like the two definitely correlate with each other depending on the situation. But, in my opinion I think you can respect someone without trusting them. Respect is something that you are naturally suppose to give to someone. Trust is something you can't just give out, that person would have to earn it.

  3. They are not the same to me.I feel that if I don't trust you then I wont have respect for you.Either your ways to others are showing me that you are not worthy of my trust or you have done somehting foul to me to the point that I dont respect you.When you lose someones trust you obviously did something bad to them.How can you respect a person that did you harm? I have no respect for people that do harm to anything or others.Now if I trust you then you gain partial respect. It takes alot to be trusted and not screw somebody now a days as its a trend to screw people over,lie about it and be ok with the situation.Being trust worthy is only one of few qualities that make a good person.You can be trust worthy but torture animals.I wont respect you for that but then again you can be very trusting to me.Either way it goes if you are trust worthy you only get partial respect and if you arent then you gain no respect in my eyes.

    1. I agree with you, Because people have lost my trust and respect because of how they acted.

  4. I feel like trust and respect are not the same. I feel like there's a possibility that you could respect someone and not trust them with your deepest darkest secrets. To respect someone means that you think highly of them or kind of agree with their way of doing things,so to speak. I feel like when you trust some one you kind of have a different relationship with that person than you would with someone you only respect, but don't trust. I trust my friends and family to have good intentions with me, to impact me positively in many cases. I do not however trust people I may have just met this semester, but that doesn't mean I don't respect them for the way they carry themselves, and treat others. This question took a lot of thinking for me to be able to answer it with confidence. Great brain stretcher!

  5. Respect and trust is not the same thing. You can respect someone because of his or hers accomplishments. However, that doesn't mean that person is trustable. Respect is just acknowledging something with high standards someone has done. Trust deals with some type of close relationship with someone. So basically you don't have to know someone personally to respect them, but you have to know someone personally to trust them.

  6. Respect and trust is not the same thing. You can respect someone because of his or hers accomplishments. However, that doesn't mean that person is trustable. Respect is just acknowledging something with high standards someone has done. Trust deals with some type of close relationship with someone. So basically you don't have to know someone personally to respect them, but you have to know someone personally to trust them.

  7. I do not think that trust and respect are the same thing. I say this because I have worked in nursing homes were I have come face to face with some not so nice family members of the patients I was taking care of. They were flat out disrespectful. But trust me to take care of their mother or father, because could not hire private help.

  8. I agree with Your post. I believe there is a difference, you can respect people but not trust them. This is a everyday thing, for example you may respect people on campus from the stuff you seen them do or say but don`t trust them due to you not knowing them. trust goes along way, that`s something you have to build on more than respect.

  9. I believe that you can respect someone and not trust them. Think about this way, on the first day of school you do not know your teacher to trust them but you still respect them. The trust then comes after you begin to get to know that person. In saying this you see that their not the same but they do piggyback off each other.

  10. You can respect a person without trusting them and vice versa. For example, if a person tells you about all the dishonest actions that they have done, then you can respect them for being honest but not trust them because they steal. Or you can trust that a person will do the wrong thing so you do not respect them.
