Saturday, February 27, 2016

Boys will be boys

     This is a poem in response to this article about a fraternity at NC State that was disbanded after a notebook full of offensive content was found. And that the term "Boys will be boys" is used too liberally.
      Link to article:

Boys Will Be Boys

Boys will be boys
they say

Boys will be boys
even when they’re holding
a gun to someone’s
throat screaming
‘second amendment”

Moldy green journal
filled with their
hearts’ desires

Southern trees that
bear strange fruit

The intimacy of
a cold body

Replacing ‘no’
for ‘yes’

Trading humanity
for lust

Stealing the innocence
of a child
hoping it replaces
their own

Boys will be boys

Their polo shirts
And pastel shorts
smell of
rotting flesh and
decomposing childhoods

But boys will be boys

Flaunting themselves like
mating flame bowerbirds
because the law
will only tickles
them on their noses

Boys will be boys

Boys will be boys
as long as they
don’t paint their
hands crimson
when the cameras
are rolling

But remember boys
will be boys


  1. Quite disturbing, however we have the freedom of speech here in America.

    “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
    ― S.G. Tallentyre, The Friends of Voltaire

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is a very strong poem. It says so much in one poem. It leaves the reader thinking.

  4. "Southern trees that
    bear strange fruit"
    Very evocative imagery. Excellent commentary about the situation with that fraternity and many others like it where not just racism, but misogyny often reigns supreme.

  5. This poem is filled with such sadness and the sad part is that things like this happen in our society and the term "boys will be boys" is being widely accepted.

  6. This poem has a very strong tone. I can also feel your passion for this topic. It's quite sad some of the things that were said, but some is true. Then we have to also keep in mind that difference between a boy and a man.

  7. The theme of this poem seems to be the criticism of males and their actions. One line in particular questions the ego that men have.
