Thursday, February 18, 2016

Black History Month

As you all may know, February is Black History Month and we get to celebrate our ancestors and history by awarding them for their gratitude and bravery. It has been a long discussion about if we should have more than one month to celebrate black history or are we fine with being limited to one month of the year. Although the lives of many successful African Americans helped pave the way for where we are now, other ethnicities and racial parties have history that they also want to be recognized. The significance of black history month is simply our heroes being recognized and appreciated for everything they have suffered to make a better life for others. Why is it important that African Americans get one specific month to celebrate their history? Do you think it is fair?


  1. Honestly, no. There should be more than one month. African Americans and other races have done a lot as well. Every race has done something to make a change or a statement.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No, I do not think it is fair. Because, African Americans have enhanced our society way before our time. Without our African American ancestors we would not have stop lights, light bulbs, heart pacemakers, video games console, and etc. So Black History Month should be celebrated everyday.

  4. No. I don't think it's fair like people stated in previous comments. I celebrate Black History everyday that I walk up. I'm reminded where we come from every morning I wake up even though we still have ways to go.

  5. It is celebrated in Feburary because it lies between Fredrick Douglas and Abe Lincolns birthdays. No its not fair that public schools only recognize and teach black history only in the month of February but with so many devices and search engines and ways to get information their is no reason we cant get it ourselves. No one is keeping it from us. Far as kids in public schools it is the role of the parent to teach their kids and make sure they know their history. Not depend on the school system for it. No one is keeping our history from us at this point. We have the ability to have rally s, assembles, and seminars to teach our history it is simply something we just have to want to do. Ask yourself how of your own history do you know and what you dont know how hard and how much time do you take to seek it?

  6. I think rather than more than one month set aside, I like the idea (as Alexis and Shauntavia pointed out) of Black accomplishments being celebrated more on a year-round basis. If our history books were less biased and emphasized Black accomplishments as much as the White ones, I think it would make a much bigger impact because it would be a constantly ongoing thing. The history books in this country are notoriously unbalanced they are long overdue for an overhaul.

  7. I think people are missing the intentions and purpose of Black History Month. Created by Carter G. Woodson, Black History Week (as it was originally called) was created to highlight and put emphasis on the accomplishments of Black people. Just because it's called "Black History Month" doesn't mean it is limiting the accomplishments and successes of black folks to just one month. Black history should be discussed, learned, and celebrated everyday. Black History Month is not about limiting black history, it's about high lighting it. It puts emphasis on what we have done as a people. Before down talking the month, people should learn about who created it, and why. Carter G. Woodson was a brilliant man and his creation should not be overshadowed.

  8. I feel that no matter what ethnicity you are, we all have the right to take time out and appreciate our ancestors any month, week, or day of the year. I've never really thought it was fair to only have one month, but we can't really change the way things have been set into stone now. As African-Americans, being limited to one month isn't really enough for everything our ancestors have had to go to through, but like I said before it is our job to come together and uplift our own culture no matter what month it is.

  9. I think its just a coincidence that black history month happened to be on February. I feel as if its too late to change it to another month. Me personally, seeing that im African-American, I do not mind it being in February.
