Monday, February 15, 2016

NBA Losing Popularity

I am online and I started reading about this information on the NBA. When someone says something about the NBA who comes to mind? Is it LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, or Michael Jordan? What about John Wall or Derrick Rose? Some studies are starting to show how the NBA is losing its popularity because the "white" fans are starting to get tired of watching African-Americans play the sport. The fans want more of a mixture of races and to see a team sport play. I can honestly understand why the fans are starting to feel this way because the NBA is predominantly African-Americans. No one really mentions anything about Kevin Love. Can you name a couple of players without struggling who plays in the NBA who are not African-Americans? I am speaking of very well known and popular players who will have the same popularity as LeBron James or Kobe Bryant? You will hear about Carmelo Anthony or some other player like James Harden. Yes true enough some people have more talent than others, but the NBA is predominantly African-Americans. Every team has at least four players if not more who are African-Americans. The ratings even show how the attendance of the NBA all star game this year was lower than before. Also, the game is not as much as a team sport like it used to be. Not many people speak out on this, but this is very noticeable. I notice this out of all of the years of me watching the game and studying the game myself. It is not hard to tell the change of the sport and how the teams are starting to change as well. Like I said earlier how this years' All star game had NO whites at all in the all star game. I was watching and seen Pau Gasol. He was the only person I seen who was not an African-American. The games are even turning into one on one games now. The teams are not really playing as a team or a team game anymore. My question is do you feel the NBA is biased and not the same as it used to be? Is the NBA not giving others the opportunity as others? Are the people aware of the NBA losing some of its fans because of the racism issues? Why do people not speak out on this? I feel everyone should honestly have a far chance when it comes to this because we are all humans at the end of the day. But, if everyone is so concern about other races not having the same opportunity why has no one said anything about the situation? This is not the only sport that is having this problem. But, I have been seeing all over social media how the NBA all star game was racist because of the colors and who participated in the events and all star game. I know racism plays a big part in the world we live in today, but do you feel this is the case in this situation?


  1. I would totally disagree. The players are predominately black, but the owners, coaches, and managers of the very same teams are white. The people who regulate the game and select the players are not black. If that were the case, where we were to have an all black team, led by black coaches, hired by black CEO's, I could perhaps see the logic in your argument. But since that isn't the case, and the people who profit from the game the most are white. I can't succumb to the notion that the NBA is racist in the sense that you're making it. However, there is a book called Black Labor, White Wealth, in which the author uses the NBA as well as other professional sports, to describe the imbalance of people of color and how they are socially engineered to be the low man on the totem pole when it comes to developing a financially rich economy. The author also gives reason as to why black males are more athletically inclined as well as at a social disadvantage leading to why many choose to follow the path of a professional athlete, compared to white males.

    Ultimately, I don't think the NBA is losing its popularity for a the lack of white super stars or house hold names...No more than the Oscars losing its popularity for not having any black nominees.

  2. I don't think the nba is losing its popularity. In fact it has increase spreading world wide to places like Mexico and other places around the world. Also race is not a huge factor which defies whether or not the nba is losing its popularity. Yes, nba stars may not be white players; however there still plenty of them in the league and other international players.

  3. I don't think the NBA is losing its popularity. But I agree when you say the game is becoming less of a team game and more of a individual game. Over the past years African-Americans have dominated the game most definitely
