Sunday, February 28, 2016

Old Generation vs New Generation Music

    As time progresses one thing that seems to change is the type of music that people in this generation enjoys. Whenever I talk to my parents about music ( who are in their middle 30's, so they have a good balance of past music and the music today) they always say old school music is better. Their reason for this is because the music is cleaner, it relates to their lives, and it makes them feel good. However, I always reply that the music now does make people feel better or motivated. The music might not always be clean or have a positive influence; however it does make people feel good. But still to this day I can't determine what makes a generation of music better. People who enjoy older version of music, tell me to listen to what the artist is saying and how it can still relate to today. In that sense I do feel as though, that yes older generation of music is better. Despite that, there still are people who believe artists do relate to today's problems and make good music that is better than past music. That statement also makes sense because the technology today, allows for beats and just the sound in general to be better. From my own research there are plenty of songs which are not that good in the older generation. Despite this, to avoid conflict with the argument of which generation of music is better, I just say if the music gets you going and makes you feel good then it's good music. Which generation of music do you prefer?


  1. I personally like the new generation music better basically because like you stated in your blog that technology helps it. I've been in multiple arguments with my family about this because they always say "the new way of music is trash." I highly disagree with what they are saying although I know its only their own opinion. Both generation really have excellent music though.

  2. The Guitars of classic rock are pleasing to my eardrums.

  3. I think every generation feels like their music (and even the music before them) is better than what the young people currently are listening to. To me, music today sounds kind of bland, BUT I also know that it's probably just me. The older generation before me thought MY music sounded like two cats fighting inside a burlap sack. I think that's just kind of the way of things. Probably one day your kids will listen to some type of music that will make you shake your head and remember "back when music had heart" or sounded better or whatever. I think it's just the nature of the beast.

  4. I can relate to the new generation music better than I can old school. The feel is much better to me. Do not get me wrong there are some old school songs I will listen to, but if I had an absolute choice I would probably decide this new generation music.

  5. I think both generations of music are good. I feel people from the older generation just don't like some of the music now because it may be hard to understand. Which I can agree with, their are a couple of pretty famous artist out their now that you may have to listen to the song over and over again to get what they are trying to say. But, I personally enjoy listening to both generations of music.

  6. I grew up listening to old school R&B and rap and I love it. I really don't think I started liking new school rap until I came to college. Even back then there was music that was trash and even some of favorite slow jams are essentially saying the same thing as rap songs today. I try to be open-minded about everything I listen to, but one thing I will never like is the trend today where rappers mumble throughout the entire song.

  7. I am a big fan of mid to late 90's and early 2000s Hip-Hop and R&B. I also prefer to listen to older Gospel as well, the newer Gospel is trying a little too hard to appeal to our generation. The Rap of today, I can appreciate but I will always think that music before 2000s is better than the trash that is rappers speak on today. They also degrade women to the lowest standard.

  8. The reason people think older music is better is because they have an emotional attachment to it. Also, the were not a lot options back then and the way in which we go about obtaining the music is different. The current game is over saturated with artist that sound similar and have no real talent. Which makes it harder for those who the real superstars to shine like those in the older days.
