Monday, February 29, 2016

Mickey D's

I went over to McDonalds the other day and got myself a double cheese. Boy was it delicious. Now, one might ask,

“Why wouldn’t you just buy the cheaper McDouble? It’s only missing one piece of cheese”.

You say it’s only missing a piece of cheese, I say it’s missing half of its deliciousness. The whole point of a double cheeseburger is to have 2 pieces of cheese. The second piece of cheese is essential to balance of flavor within the sandwich itself. A McDouble only has a single piece of cheese which is usually stuck between two all-beef patties. This mutes the cheesy goodness by sealing off the cheese from your taste buds. Compare this to the double cheeseburger. You have a piece of cheese sandwiched in between the all-beef patties, just like the McDouble. However, a second piece of cheese is draped over the whole thing, adding to the delectability of the burger.  Now comes the second question:

“Would you like fries with that?”

Hell yeah I’d like fries with that! What’s a double cheese without some over salted potato sticks? A lonely double cheese, that’s what. To say if I’d like fries with that is akin to asking someone if they would like to get an A in English class instead of a B. Fries are great with a burger, but is there a way to take both fries and a double cheese to make it into something better? After a long and hard 2 minutes of pondering this quandary, I have come up with the ultimate solution.

Wait for it…


Putting the fries inside the burger!

It’s the perfect blend of meats and vegetables all mixed into one super burger that I hereby dub:

“The Double Cheese W/ Vegan accents”

People can finally feel good about eating burgers because of the veggies that are in it.


  1. Me personally, I would buy the mcdouble instead of the double cheeseburger. I feel as if they both taste the same one just cost more than the other. I agree when you say add fries to the order. Its not the same without them. Its like the peanut butter to the jelly. You can't have one with out the other.

  2. You know, Tom, I think you may some day put Dave Barry out of business. This was one of the funniest things I've read in a while and it came at the end of a rather trying day, so thank you for that. But I do have to ask, where does a chocolate shake fit into all of this? Is there room in your vegan burger universe for dairy and chocolate? Please respond. Inquiring minds want to know.

  3. One must be careful not to disturb the bliss that is the Double Cheese W/ Vegan accents. The intense flavor of the chocolate shake may create a less than ideal taste when mixed with the double cheese. While it may be unacceptable to drink and eat at the same time due to reasons pertaining to the palate, it is acceptable to savor a chocolate shake only *after* ingesting the sandwich. If you were to gulp down the shake beforehand, it may lower your tongue’s temperature. This would hinder the pleasure received from the double cheese by altering the taste due to the phenomena known “Phantom tasting”. Phantom tasting is when weird tastes are experienced, which can be brought about by cold or hot temperatures. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want strange tastes anywhere near a double cheese. I wouldn't want my delectable memories of eating a double cheese tarnished by a bad encounter of the not-so-tasty kind. So save the flavorful chocolate shake for after the main course, you and your taste buds will appreciate it.

  4. From personal experience, the double cheeseburger will always taste better because of that extra slice of cheese. I don't think anyone can go to McDonald's and just buy a burger without getting fries lol! How is that even a question?! A plain double cheeseburger just isn't the same without fries on the side.

  5. McDonald's is overall delicious and I will continue to eat and enjoy it as long as they exist. But more recently the last couple times I have visited McDonalds iv noticed that the food kinda all taste the same. What I mean by that is when I bite into a Mcdouble cheese burger that I can not fully taste each individual component of the sandwich. Yes i can taste each part of the sandwich and tell what it is on its own but when it's all together it really doesn't taste like anything.

    Why still eat McDonald's?
    1) cheap
    2) convienlty on every corner
    3) decent taste for the price

  6. I Love McDonald's! Yes, one slice of cheese missing makes a heck of a difference to me. I will take a double cheeseburger over a cheeseburger. Maybe, its because I like to eat!!! :)

  7. I thought I was the only one that liked putting my fries inside my burger! I'm not that big on cheese, so a missing piece of cheese doesn't really phase me.

  8. Does anyone else put mac sauce or sweet and sour sauce on their burger? I do...I always gotta add some sauce!
