Friday, February 12, 2016

The Titanic II: To Ride or Not to Ride?

A billionaire has built a replica of the RMS Titanic (see the article) and it is slated to sail in 2018. I wonder if they will completely flout fate and sail its maiden voyage for April 10?

To ride or not to ride? That is the question. Not that I could afford it, this is strictly a rhetorical question, but is an interesting quandary. On the one hand, statistically, it should be safe. It should also technologically be safe. I mean, what are the odds that TWO Titanics would sink on their maiden voyage? Right?

On the other hand, the first Titanic was also supposed to be "technologically safe" too and my primitive, superstitious inner monkey-brain thinks it goes against all sense of self-preservation to ride anything that is modeled after such an ill-fated ship.



  1. I would not be able to ride this Titanic. I would be too nervous because the first one did sink. Well, we do have better technology now and better parts. I still would not chance it though.

  2. I would not ride this Titanic because of the history of the past ship. Even with today's modern technology I do not think it would be safe for us. The last Titanic sunk because of an outside force, what if the same thing was to happen but with a different outside force? I value my life a little too much to risk it on a remake of a ship that sunk years ago.

  3. I simply would not ride because I am afraid of boats. As crazy as it may sound, I STILL believe in pirates! I have an ongoing fear of being captured by some scary men at sea. Riding the Titanic seems like it would be a lot of fun but thinking of the movie, it is also very scary. Even with today's advanced technology, I still do not think it would be safe enough to ride.

  4. I'm with you guys. I'm a bit too superstitious to ride this boat!

  5. I will not ride. No way. For one, the boat is not big enough for me and after watching the movie Titanic, I will pass.

  6. I would not ride it, only because I do not like being out that deep in the water. Plus, I cannot swim so why would I even dare get on that boat and then panic. No, I am good!

  7. I would choose to pass on riding only because I do not have any interest in riding in it. I highly doubt that this ship will be another American tragedy, so anyone interested in boarding the ship should.

  8. Even though it was said to be safe I wouldnt get on it anyways.I have a phobia of boats anyways.The thought of sitting over hundreds and hundreds of feet of water scares me to death. i was told that Only 1% of the ocean is fully searched for the creatures that live in it.(if it wasnt 1% then it was a really small number )there could be fish bigger than the boat that we dont think about.I dont know if everyone thinks of that but i most definatly do.

  9. I've always been the type afraid to take long trips on big boats, simply because I fear "getting lost at sea". Being that "The Titanic" is one of my favorite movies, I don't think I could do away with the thought of Jack slowly falling to the bottom of the ocean. I would not be making this adventure out on the water with Titanic II. I don't think I would be emotionally stable enough during the ride to actually enjoy it, and notice how awesome it'd actually be. Big ships just aren't for me.
