Monday, February 29, 2016

Is It Too Much A Good or Bad?

Multiple time in my life I was told that I should stop watching television because its not good for me and that it would rots the brain. My argument against whoever would say that to me is that I actually learned a lot from watch television and that I believe it can actually be beneficial (this was how a younger me thought). I do believe that TOO television vision is actually bad thing for your brain and even for you eye. I also believe that some television shows have negatives affects on children today because children are easily influenced and can pick up bad words and try to imitate something they seen on television and get hurt. Television also influence people to spend money on newer products. Television also has its positive sides. A lot of television shows teaches children how to count numbers, teaches them the names of colors, and some shows even teaches children about good personal hygiene. Television helps keeps some people up to date with what happening around them and around the rest of the world. Television actually brighten some peoples day, when your having a bad day just watch family guy I bet it makes your day brighter. I personally know a few people who say they dont watch television at all because it is just bad. I believe that only extremely too much television is bad for you mentally and physically. What are you thought about television? Do you believe it has a negative, positive, or a little of both kinds of effect on people?


  1. I don't watch television, but only because I am a cheapo and don't want to pay for cable. I stream everything via Netflix, which is probably just as bad. At least with television, you can't binge on seven seasons of Mad Men in 24 hours (ahem...not that I ever did that... *cough cough*). I think like everything else, there are good and bad aspects to television, and like most things, moderation is the key. Like, for example, not binge-watching seven seasons of Mad Men.

  2. Televisions influence depends on what you watch. Television can be very informative with shows about history and some children shows that can teach them something like the numbers and colors.Other tv shows that feature cartoons that do dumb things to make the audience laugh can be a bad influence. Little kids tend to mock the things they see seeing as their brains are in the earliest stages of development so what they see they will do.It all depends on what you watch.

  3. I don't think Television can be defined as a good or bad thing as a whole but the content of what is being viewed and time spent viewing that content should be the determining factor on what is good or bad about tv. Watching too much negative content such as violent shows or movies or even the news could have a negative effect on the viewer. On the other side tv could be a very effective way of obtaining news and information which could be beneficial.

  4. I think whatever is being viewed will consider Television being bad or good. I watch Sportscenter and NBA Gametime all the time to keep up on my stuff with basketball and other sports. This helps inform me all the time. Now Television do have some negative content shown on there because little kids act on the violence seen on Television sometimes. It all depends on what is being shown and who is viewing it.

  5. I am not a big Television fan. It's not because I think its good or bad but I don't find Television interesting any more. Television has its pros and cons. It is up to how you interrupt and whether or not you choose to live by what you see on T.V.

  6. I don't think watching television is bad. The argument probably stems from what is actually being watched on TV. You can actually learn a lot from things that are seen on TV, whether it is good or bad. My personal opinion is to spend a minimal amount of time watching television and get more active. There are studies that show that people who watch TV excessively, tend to be more overweight than people who rarely watch tv.

  7. I do not think that watching television is unhealthy but I do believe too much is unhealthy, and it also depends on what you are watching. If you watch stuff with substance then its okay but not for too long because its not good for you. Things like reality shows make television horrible for you because they only thrive on drama. Drama is not something you want to portray on television because then children and other folk think that it is okay, but it is not.

  8. Television is not bad, it just depends on what you are watching. Even then, it should be known that even the most absurd shows have a central message that everyone can relate to. Shows such as Breaking Bad or The Walking Dead, promote the values of family and determination.
